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View information about Rick Perry's arrest and mugshot here on famouslyarrested.com Rick Perry. You can view information about Rick Perry's arrest and other celebrity arrests. You can view by name or by category. We also have included Rick Perry mugshots.
Rick Perry

- Rick Perry
- Government
- August 2014
- Felony Abuse of Power
- Pleads Not Guilty, Charges Pending
The arrest of Rick Perry:
He's the longest serving Governor in the history of Texas and although he tried and failed to get the Republican Presidential nomination in 2012, he was considered a possible contender for the party nod in 2016.
Texas born and bred, James Richard Perry, famously Rick, announced that he would not run for re-election in 2013, after winning full gubernatorial terms in 2002, 2006 and 2010.

He assumed the office in 2000, when George W. Bush left to become President.
So it came as a pretty big surprise to his supporters when Governor Perry was indicted in the summer of 2014 on two felony counts of abuse of power.
It happened after he carried out a threat to veto funding to state public corruption prosecutors. Specifically, Perry publicly promised to veto $7.5 million for the state public integrity unit run by the Travis County district attorney's office. He was accused of coercion and official oppression. And he was booked on two counts in Austin.
Perry pleaded not guilty called it a political ploy and it remains to be seen how it will impact his 2016 Presidential bid. He was his own worst enemy when he self-destructed in a campaign debate in 2012.
After his booking, in which he smiled for his mug shot, Perry went out for an ice cream.
But it wasn't a sweet ending for him. Perry told Fox News the indictment against him was the main reason he dropped out of the 2016 Presidential race in late summer, 2015. Perry says the abuse of official capacity charge drove away campaign contributors.