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View information about Johnny Cash's arrest and mugshot here on famouslyarrested.com Johnny Cash. You can view information about Johnny Cash's arrest and other celebrity arrests. You can view by name or by category. We also have included Johnny Cash mugshots.
Johnny Cash

- Johnny Cash
- Music
- Numerous
- Several Misdemeanor Charges
- Several single night stays in jail
The arrests of Johnny Cash:
He was a country music icon who not only was a recording star but also appeared on TV and in films.
For Johnny Cash's full life story, check out Johnny Cash's Death.
As part of his outlaw image, Johnny was a heavy drinker and user of uppers and downers. He had several brushes with the law and landed in jail seven times for misdemeanor offenses, spending a single night each time.

They included a 1965 incident when pills were found in his luggage in El Paso, Texas. The police thought he was smuggling heroin from Mexico, but he had a prescription for everything they found. He spent one night in jail and was released.
There was another arrest in Starkville, Mississippi for trespassing onto private property late at night to pick flowers. He spent a night in jail for that one too.
Johnny's final arrest was in Walker County, Georgia in 1967, after being involved in a car accident while carrying a bag of prescription pills.