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George Carlin

George Carlin mugshot

The arrest of George Carlin:

He's one of the most influential and important counter culture comedians.

George Carlin grew up watching Lenny Bruce, Jonathan Winters and Ernie Kovacs, among others.

Lenny Bruce, Jonathan Winters and Ernie Kovacks

He influenced Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld, Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert and Bill Maher.

Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld, Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert and Bill Maher

And he's famous for the "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television", which led to the famous Supreme Court obscenity ruling. (Here's the routine, for adults only.)

Carlin was also arrested for public indecency in Wisconsin for performing the routine on stage. A Milwaukee Judge dismissed the charges. For the full story on George Carlin's life and death, click his highlighted name in this sentence.

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