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Robert Durst

Robert Durst Mugshot

The arrest of Robert Durst:

His family is in the big leagues of New York City real estate, owning several high rise commercial buildings in mid-town Manhattan.

Robert Durst nyc building

But Robert Durst isn't known as a business mogul. Long suspected of being a killer, he was finally arrested and formally charged because of something he muttered into a live microphone during the taping of an HBO documentary.

Robert Durst's father, Seymour…

Seymour Durst

…was a true New York City property mogul and his younger brother Douglas…

Douglas Durst

…went on to manage the family's empire. But Bobby…

Robert Durst

…known as a loner in high school and of having a major sibling rivalry with his brother, didn't like working in the family business.

Robert's mother committed suicide by jumping from the top of the family's Scarsdale, New York home, although his brother disputes Bobby's claims that their Dad guided him to a window to see her perched on the roof.

Robert Durst mother's grave

Robert first came to public attention when his wife Kathleen…

Robert Durst with Kathleen Durst

…disappeared in the 1980's.

They'd opened a health food store in Vermont but Durst was pressured by his father to return to New York to help in the family business. They were married for nine years when Kathie vanished. She was last seen alive on January 31, 1982.

Kathleen Durst missing poster

She was never found and in 2000, New York State police reopened their investigation into her disappearance.

On December 24, 2000, Durst's longtime friend, Susan Berman…

Susan Berman

…who'd helped Durst's public alibi when his wife's vanished, was found murdered in her California home. She'd been questioned about Kathie's disappearance by police shortly before her death. But by that time, Durst had re-settled in Galveston, living in a boarding house and posing as a mute woman to avoid the police.

A neighbor in Galveston, Morris Black…

Morris Black

…was found in Galveston Bay, Durst was tried for murder, and even admitted to carving up the body but was acquitted because he claimed Black was killed during a struggle over a gun that Durst had.

But all of the suspicions never led to formal charges, until Durst muttered that "I killed them all" during the taping of an HBO special, "The Jinx".

Durst was charged with the murder of Berman, and awaits further legal action.

Robert Durst in back of police car

The suspicions about Durst led to the production of a 2010 film, "All Good Things", starring Ryan Gosling as a Durst-inspired character.

All Good Things movie

Robert Durst no longer has anything to do with the Durst organization, bought out in 2006 for 65-million dollars. But as his case winds through the justice system, he remains a stain on the family name.

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