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View information about Dylan Roof's arrest and mugshot here on famouslyarrested.com Dylan Roof. You can view information about Dylan Roof's arrest and other celebrity arrests. You can view by name or by category. We also have included Dylan Roof mugshots.
Dylan Roof

- Dylan Roof
- Confessed Mass Killer
- June 18, 2015
- Murder
- Legal Process continues
The arrest of Dylan Roof:
The unthinkable happened shortly after 9 pm on a late spring, Wednesday evening at a Bible study session at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church – a historic black church - in Charleston, South Carolina.

An armed white man who'd been sitting with the congregants suddenly rose with a gun and, witnesses said, announced he was going to killed black people. When the shooting with his .45 caliber handgun stopped, several people lay mortally wounded. Nine people in all were killed, including the church pastor Clementa Pinckney, who was also a state senator.

Police immediately suspected a hate crime.
The shooter was on the lam, but was photographed by a church surveillance camera.

And the chase was on.

As mourners wept and people in Charleston and across America decried the unspeakably brutal and senseless act…

…President Barak Obama once again called for stricter gun controls.
After a few hours, authorities got a break, when a florist shop employee in North Carolina recognized the car police had linked to suspect Dylan Roof. Debbie Dills called her boss and followed the car while the boss called 9-1-1.
Roof was arrested at a traffic stop and sent back over the state line to face the music.
Roof's friends started talking and saying he'd threatened a racially tinged attack in the past, ranting that "blacks were taking over the world." Roof's Facebook page showed him wearing symbols of two former white supremacist governments, Rhodesia and South Africa. The 21 year old suspect told investigators the next day that he wanted to start a race war.
Roofs' charged with 9 counts of murder and South Carolina is a death penalty state, the most recent execution in 2011. The state's Governor, Nikki Haley, said he should get the death penalty after conviction.