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View information about Wesley Snipes's arrest and mugshot here on famouslyarrested.com Wesley Snipes. You can view information about Wesley Snipes's arrest and other celebrity arrests. You can view by name or by category. We also have included Wesley Snipes mugshots.
Wesley Snipes

- Wesley Snipes
- Actor
- February 2006
- Tax evasion
- Convicted of Failure to File Taxes, and served 3 years in prison
The arrest of Wesley Snipes:
He made many popular films and made a good deal of money. The thing is, he failed to pay his income taxes and had to spend three years of his life in a federal prison because of it.
Wesley Snipes is an Orlando, Florida native who grew up in the Bronx, New York and for a time attended a special high school for performing artists, the Fiorello LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing, before moving back to Florida.
His numerous film credits include "Major League"…

"Jungle Fever"…

…"Passenger 57", "Rising Sun", "The Fan"…

...and "Murder at 1600"…

…among others. Perhaps he's most famous for the role of the Marvel Comics character Blade in the "Blade" film trilogy.

On October 12, 2006, Snipes was charged with two others of conspiring to defraud the United States, along with six counts of willfully failing to file income tax returns for the years 1999-2004. The charges included an accusation that he filed a false tax refund claim of four million dollars in 1996.

In February 2008, while acquitted on the felony count of conspiracy, Wesley was convicted on three misdemeanor accounts of failing to file his tax returns. He was sentenced to three years in prison in April, 2008 and felt he was being railroaded, as he explained in this 2010 interview with CNN's Larry King:
Snipes reported to the McKean Federal Correctional Institution, a federal prison in Pennsylvania, in December 2010. He was released early, on April 2, 2013.