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Hugh Grant

Hugh Grant mugshot

The arrest of Hugh Grant:

With his aristocratic looks…

Hugh Grant headshot

…Hugh Grant's found success as an English actor and film producer.

He's known for approaching his roles like a character actor, trying to make his acting up your spontaneous. Grant's breakout appearance was in "Four Weddings and a Funeral"

Other well-known parts included "Notting Hill" with Julia Roberts and in Woody Allen's "Smalltime Crooks."

But Hugh had some trouble with the law in June 1995 when he was arrested in a Los Angeles police surveillance operation, not far from Sunset Boulevard. They charged him with performing lewd conduct in a public place with a Hollywood prostitute named Divine Brown.

Hugh Grant and Divine Brown mugshot

Grant pleaded no contest and was fined $1180, given at least on two years' probation and was required to complete an AIDS education program.

There was another scrape in April 2007 when he was arrested on charges of assault made by a photographer. Those charges were later dropped.

Famous Arrests