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View information about Dustin Diamond's arrest and mugshot here on famouslyarrested.com Dustin Diamond. You can view information about Dustin Diamond's arrest and other celebrity arrests. You can view by name or by category. We also have included Dustin Diamond mugshots.
Dustin Diamond

- Dustin Diamond
- Actor
- December 25, 20014
- Recklessly Endangering Safety | Disorderly Conduct | Carrying a Concealed Weapon
- Out on Bail
The arrest of Dustin Diamond:
It hardly sounds like something his most famous character would do. Screech, the nerdy kid from "Saved by the Bell", arrested for stabbing someone in a Christmas Day bar fight? But it did happen - although he said it was an accident that occurred while he was trying to defend his girlfriend.
Actor Dustin Neil Diamond was born January 7, 1977 in San Jose, California and began acting as a child.

He landed the role of class nerd Samuel "Screech" Powers in 1988 in "Good Morning Miss Bliss"…

…and held it for thirteen years as the series morphed though various phases of "Saved by the Bell".
After "Saved" ran its course, Diamond's career came to kind of a screeching halt. He directed and released a sex tape in 2006, "Screech – Saved by the Smell" but later told Oprah Winfrey it wasn't really him in the tape and that he used a stunt double."

Diamond also embarked on a career in stand-up comedy and appeared on several game and reality shows. He even appeared as a contestant on "Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling" and in other wrestling events as a tag team partner.
And then he received some big time negative publicity, on Christmas, 2014. 37 year old Diamond was accused of stabbing a man in a bar fight in Port Washington, Wisconsin. He and his 27 year old fiancée Amanda Schutz…

…got into a fight with two men and a woman.
Shutz claimed she'd been held by a man and was punched in the face.
Diamond told police he was trying to defend his girl and said the stabbing was an accident. The victim wasn't seriously hurt (with a puncture wound under his right armpit) and police recovered Diamond's switchblade.

The following Monday, Dustin was released from a Wisconsin jail after he put up $10,000 bail.
In June, 2015, after apologizing for his role in the barroom stabbing, Diamond was sentenced to four months in jail on his conviction on two misdemeanor counts. He was found guilty of carrying a concealed weapon and disorderly conduct.
Diamond still maintained the stabbing was an accident, but the prosecutors contended that he lied about what happened and that his testimony was scripted. There was no bell to save him from the prison stretch.
Dustin also got fifteen months' probation, but was cleared of a felony reckless endangerment charge.
Since his role on the popular 1990s TV show, Diamond's been sued several times for delinquent taxes and in foreclosure proceedings for missing mortgage payments.